Sumir sem hafa séð húfuna er ekki vel að sér í Elmo fræðum og hafa haldið að þetta sé fugl! Þvílík fásinna. Hverjum dettur slíkt í hug?
Þetta er bara eins og copy - paste! ekki satt!
Nema hvað, það verður meira um húfu pósta á næstunni, Lofa!
...I have a little thing for hats right now. I knit theim like there is no tomorrow. This autum I did this Elmo hat for my smurf, I did it because he is so fond of Elmo. But I clearly didn't do a very good job, because he dosn't want to use it, so Thor nephew got it instad. ...and I'm not sure if he is using it either.
Some who have seen the hat, are not very familiar with Elmo I'm sure. They have suggested that this might be a bird! What a nonsense. Who would think that?
This is just like a copy - past, no!?
Well, well! there will be some mor hats to come soon, Promise!
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